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Back to Oregon Home Ranch & 2019 Spring & Summer Clinic Schedule

Dear Friends of WHR…

We are wrapping things up here in Cochise, AZ, in this week and will be making our northward migration back to the Oregon Home Ranch in Richland and plan to be back and well settled in Eagle Valley mid May.

We've had a few delays this month as Beverly just lost her Mother, Betty Johnston of Mercer Island, WA, near Seattle on May 6th. 2 1/2 years after losing her Dad, a huge loss for Beverly as she's been her Mother's closest support, caregiver, and family coordinator during this time, and much of her WHR focus has been diverted to her Mother's affairs. A bittersweet transition into another phase of life... one without both parents is tough to swallow, but God has them both in His care now. They both led such incredible lives infusing their wild spirit of adventure and independence into their children, as evident with the life Beverly chose with Wil... ever grateful. "Thanks for not buying me a horse Mom!"

This delayed return has moved our Home Ranch clinic plans out a bit this year. It has been quite wet in our parts this spring, so we’re probably arriving in just perfect timing…. that is, besides the grass growing wild and pastures getting ahead of us!

On Going Private Clinic Offerings...

We have a kept a flexible schedule with 5 clinics offered coming up in late May & June, it’s our window of the best weather and our availability. Knowing everyone’s schedules are tight, we will be offering Private Clinic time or partial participation options in addition to the scheduled dates you see here below. If you see a session that you’re interested in, but dates may conflict, just call Beverly 541-893-6535 and she’ll see if we can’t make arrangements to fit you in somewhere this season, even a clinic at your own place.… we aim to please!

With the Spring well underway, we are starting out with an OutBack Trail Training Tune-Up Mini Clinic May 29-31 and another full OutBack Trail Training Tune-Up Course June 2-6 to get folks and their horses ready for a successful summer of riding the trails, backcountry and the ever popular Equine Trail Sport Challenges offered throughout the country, many right here in our area, Idaho, Wash & Oregon.

These Trail Challenge events have grown in popularity over the recent years as a fun way to expand you and your horse’s confidence and horsemanship, while all the while keeping the idea of the true Trail Horse… supreme. It started way back with the National Mountain Trail Challenge competition over in Eugene, Oregon, the premier event continues to be held every November. So… come get prepared with us, it’s not just like any Trail Horse Clinic!!! It’s all understanding & getting your horse broke and handling! Then the exposure work.

Don’t just hope your horse will cross the obstacle…Let’s teach him to love it and do it in Style, Safely & Confidently! In the arena with artificially obstacles, on a real Back Country trail or pleasure trail ride through town! Don’t avoid a booger! We teach you and your horse to have the confidence to seek them out!

Teresa Bateman from McCall, ID, 2018

Aspiring, young, talented & horsewoman, Teresa Bateman from McCall, ID, who’s been mentoring with Beverly the past seven years, taking a break from horses to conquer Breast Cancer along with many set back-backs from surgeries, putting her passion & talent on hold. This tough gal has been making a comeback… not only training & finishing out a nice project gelding last year, which she has recently given to her Dad, who took her originally, as a little girl 20 some years ago to the Idaho Horse Expo to watch trainers, Wil & Beverly Howe! Woohoo! Teresa also has been winning a battle of weight… returning to her former figure with new and recharged healthy lifestyle choices… such a success, I couldn’t help but share her comeback story, truly an “Overcomer” of adversity, a warrior of faith and inspiration to so many… she is my Hero. To top this off she just competed in her first show of her life… an Equine Trail Sport sanctioned Trail Challenge held in Caldwell, ID April 27th taking 3rd in her division out of 18+ entries with 50+ entries traveling from all over the NW to participate.

We’ll also be offering Wil’s original “From Foundation to Finished” Bridle-Horsemanship Week-Long Course, June 24-29 Everything horses A-Z and breaking down the process of advancing your horse, moving forward past the plateau for the started or seasoned colt stage…. Beyond the Snaffle Bit to neck reining with ease, and handing a finished curb bit with ease and finesse… Step by step.

A horse without a cow and a cow without a horse… just don’t make no sense at all!”

A Working Reined Cowhorse is the ultimate, to curt, sort, box take down the fence, circle up and then rope it if you want or need to... it is not only a thrill, but gives your horse the ultimate purpose in life… a job, and a fun one… that is if you both are trained, educated, and prepared. That’s why we offer our Cow Working Class It’s our roots & passion and has been for 41 years! Bring some refinement to your ranch work and step up your game if you’re in show pen. Join us June 29-July 1st for coaching on cattle following or Foundation to Finished course.

For that select group of horsewomen who have “been there done that” and seeking more refinement, connection and skills with your horse and the camaraderie of sisterhood… Join me for my Cowgirl’s Ranch Horse Retreat July 9-13 Here we’ll explore many aspect of horsemanship that feed our souls as we prepare our horses and step up our leadership to achieve our goals for the Ranch Versatility rigors and the refinement of Cowboy Dressage. Ride with style, grace, & confidence.

  • May 29-31 OutBack Trail Season Mini Training Tune Up ( arrival day May 28th)

  • June 2-6 OutBack Trail Season Training Tune Up (arrival day June 1st)

  • June 24-29 From Foundation to Finished Bridle-Horsemanship Week Long Course (arrival day June 23rd)

  • June 29–July 1 Cow Working Clinic (arrival day June 28th)

  • July 9-13 Cowgirl Ranch Horse Retreat (arrival day July 8th)

With many changes ahead for us at WHR, we encourage any of you who have been procrastinating coming, to participate in our courses & clinics, spending time mentoring with Wil & Beverly to make it a priority... Wil is turning 78 years young this summer and ever more independent! is that called retirement??? You'all come!

Blessings of the Good Life, God & Great Geldings... See you soon!

Beverly & Wil

& Katie Ranch Dog


For all horse inquiries, please call Wil Howe Ranch at 541-893-6535 mornings or evenings Pacific Time for personal attention to your requests. Remember, we usually have several geldings not currently listed. $20,000 and up. Let us help you find the horse of your dreams! Click here for details on purchasing a WHR gelding.

© 2019 Wil Howe Ranch

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