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In the Spirit of Christmas...

Dear WHR Friends--

Wil and I wish you a blessed and joyous Christmas Holiday season that hopefully is being shared with family and friends and includes time to get out and enjoy your horses. Whether you are bundling up for a trail ride, pulling the kids around in the snow off your horse, or out checking cows and a few early calves in the winter snow... breath deep and count your blessings; still yourself in reverence for the moment. 

Horses and Life...  Much is changing in this world we all live in, and if it wasn't for the horse and the same simple truths they require us to learn to communicate with them, it would be all too scary. With the horse, we have something endearingly steadfast. In this all-consuming and high speed life of distractions--I-phones, computers, TV & sports games--the horse has remained the same...thank God.

When over-stimulated and left without a leader and the boundaries of consistent and fair discipline, a horse becomes fearful and insecure. The more fractious they become, the more unpredictable and dangerous their actions. The same holds true of us as a people. When we become distracted and addicted to over-stimulation and instant gratification, we slip away from the protection and leadership of our Creator and the simple lessons He gave to us to run our lives with self-discipline, dignity and fortitude. How we relate to horses, and life, run hand in hand. 

We want our horse and every ride to be perfect all the time (just like we want life to run smoothly with no glitches), without respecting that they are not a machine but a living, breathing entity with a mind and personality of their own, and most importantly, that they have a basic need for leadership in their life. Well, so do we. Sounds like we have mentioned countless times before, horses are like children! And so are we, when we don't rely on our Higher Source for direction. The message with horses and horsemanship has and will always stay the same, that one timeless thing you can count on..."Keep it simple", as Wil has always preached. "Black and white. Ask...release. Take... give. pressure." Refining your communication with your horse is the journey. In the process, you will find refinement in your life. It is a byproduct you can't avoid if you are seeking truth. Humility, patience, compassion, and perseverance are qualities of character that must be honed if you are to do well with horses and with life.

Becoming an accomplished horseman is all dependent on what you put into it. What you put out is what you get back, in horses and in and you will find, knock and the door shall be opened...those are verses of action, and action is what it takes to get the desired results. Becoming accomplished at anything takes dedication and time, but it is all doable with commitment, the right horse, and applicable knowledge in the form of education...that is where we come in, and we have made a life of it. Let us show you the way, Howe and why.

Winter in Arizona...Come Join Us!

For an educational experience like no other, join us in Arizona this winter! See our Arizona winter schedule or book a private clinic now! by calling Beverly at 541-893-6535. We will be offering our traditional From Foundation to Finished course February 1-6, along with the Reined Cow Working-Fundamentals of Cow Horse Training February 7-9, Beverly's two popular Ladies Only Cowgirl Up! classes February 21-24 and March 18-23, an Outback Trail Training course March 7-10, and a designated Return Rider Versatility Round Up get-together April 1-4. 

This will be our 13th year wintering in southeast Arizona, and it has been a great ride. We love being able to offer our students and horse clients our training in an atmosphere of the true Old West. Our SW OutPost is backed up to the Dragoon Mountains, historic Apache homelands of the Cochise Stronghold, and the Chiricahua Mountains to the east. The valley ushers in each new day with breathtaking sunrises at daybreak and equally spectacular skies at sunset. Between are hours of sunshine and mild temperatures to enjoy on horseback, covering big desert country or schooling horses in our sandy pens, now nice and dust free with the new irrigation system we installed last spring. While working, we and the horses will no doubt appreciate the spray of water from the fire hose dousing the arenas.

Any amount of time spent in the South West during the long winter months is therapeutic for the soul. It's hard to imagine how nice it will be to ride there again, as we have been ankle-deep in mud at the Oregon home ranch this past month...can't wait to go! Y'all come too!

Closing Thoughts...

Now, as we watch the snow blow, dusting the desert hills of Hells Canyon country with a wintertime blanket of white, we are snug in our cabin reflecting on another year, both the many blessings and the trials that make us stronger individuals. 

While making plans for 2013 and heading south in January, even with the uncertainty that has gripped us all as a nation, we find ourselves actually excited about the prospects for change in our life...we'll keep you posted as our plans unfold! In the meantime, we highly encourage our community of WHR fans, clinic junkies and aspiring horseman, if you truly want to expand your horse awareness, finesse as a "hand" or finally pursue your horse dreams... don't put off joining us...get signed up now! Another year, one never knows what we'll be up to! 

Till our trails cross...ride a deep stirrup, but clear them when you go to get off! Merry, Merry Christmas!

Beverly, Wil, Katie Cow-Dog, & the Wil Howe Ranch Crew

P.S.   A Christmas Wish Comes True...

We were able to make someone very happy for Christmas this year! We just held a private week-long Clinic for new horse client and student, Kenny Thompson of west Texas, matching him up with our handsome little black gelding, versatility trail & cow horse, "Kiwi". It is always a pleasure to be the facilitator in seeing someone fulfill their lifelong goal of pursuing horses and the lifestyle. Another good WHR gelding finds a good home. Congratulations, Kenny!

For more information on our WHR Geldings, click here, or call Wil to ask about our current string for sale at 541-893-6535.


For all horse inquiries, please call Wil Howe Ranch at 541-893-6535 mornings or evenings Pacific Time for personal attention to your requests. Remember, we usually have several geldings not currently listed. $20,000 and up. Let us help you find the horse of your dreams! Click here for details on purchasing a WHR gelding.

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