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Reined Cow Working

Training the Reined Cow Horse is Wil's true love. With his background spent in years of intense training of NCHA cutting and NRCHA snaffle bit futurity horses, he has had great success with coaching and his non-pro cutter, reined cow horse & team penner students, and training their horses. Since working cow horses are his passion, he is able to energize his students, motivating and inspiring them to attain much higher levels of performance in their horses and achieve their competitive goals. This course is an exciting opportunity to take advantage of Wil's reining and cattle-working knowledge and expertise.


For the cowboy, Wil teaches all aspects of handling cattle thoroughly and with fervor. From his own cowboying experiences, be it sorting pairs, roping & doctoring yearlings, or driving bulls from willow thickets on the open range, he can translate arena training to the practical application of roping and cutting horses, ultimately creating all-around reining cow horses. Wil & Beverly make a cow-working team of instructors that tell it like it is with a passion for sharing how a true cow horse is suppose to handle and why, and how to get them there. Whether you are at the top wanting to hone your edges for competition, just starting out, or a seasoned cowboy rancher wanting to expand your horsemanship on cattle, you'll be glad you came to the WHR… where cowboys become horseman!


Wil & Beverly's concise formula for teaching the dynamics of working cattle applies to competition working cow horse, cutting, team sorting, and versatility ranch work. You will learn how to improve your scores, enhance your times, save stress on your cattle, and have more fun when handling cattle--no more fighting with your horse, the cattle, or your partners!


We offer shorter three or four-day cow working training sessions, which are run the same as our normal school sessions. Reined Cow Working is open to anyone, however, but prior completion of our From Foundation to Finished Bridle - Horsemanship Reinsman Training Session is recommended. Advance viewing of our From Foundation to Finished© video series and a complete understanding of Wil's 10 Steps is required.


The first part of this school session is spent on "tuning up" the dry work/reining, to prepare for the cow working exercises that follow. Course fundamentals include:

  • Advanced application of the 10 Steps for refined body control and tuning the turn around/spin

  • Perfecting the roll-back/fence work with speed, advanced stops, and "get back'

  • The art of reading, predicting, and handling cattle quietly

  • The "right start" on cattle with one-on-one cow work

  • Putting cow interest in your horse and teaching rate

  • Keeping a horse bright yet calm on cattle

  • Herd work

  • Tracking, driving, holding, and controlling the cattle under pressure

  • Boxing and fence work training and showmanship tactics

  • Horsemanship and maintaining control of your horse for safety while working cattle



© 2019 Wil Howe Ranch

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